Your Vision, Well-Built

We build outdoor environments exactly as you imagine them.

We construct durable, sustainable outdoor environments for function as well as beauty. Our sports grounds are perfect for play, and the parklands made to be culturally significant, community-building spaces.

We make sure that what you planned for is what you get.

Call GreenGround on 0459 146 571 to ensure that your outdoor environment is reliably built.

We build your vision

Your outdoor environment is your first impression.

Beautiful parklands and playgrounds bring joy to those visiting, meeting and playing.

We listen to your needs, work with you, offer solutions and construct outdoor spaces exactly in accordance with the intention of your design.

We work well with you from idea to completion

We construct exactly what you planned

Sport & leisure spaces you can be proud of for years to come

We construct durable, sustainable outdoor environments for function as well as beauty. Our sports grounds are perfect for play, and the parklands made to be culturally significant, community-building spaces.

We make sure that what you planned for is what you get.

Call GreenGround on 0459 146 571 to ensure that your outdoor environment is reliably built.

We ensure that you get the environment that you have in mind:

Sports Surfaces

Our sports surfaces are made for performance.

We design and build the highest quality surfaces for the sports it is made for, with facilities to enhance the experience for players and spectators.

We take particular care in preparing the playing area surface to world-class standards of playability and durability, so your sports grounds will be ideal for play for years to come.

Call today on 0459 146 571 to start your GreenGround journey.

Schools Grounds

Our school grounds are made to be beautiful, inspiring, functional and inclusive for all children’s needs.

Your school will feature luscious yet hardy gardens, decorative and social seating spaces, outdoor teaching areas and robust and multi-functional sporting grounds.

Your school will feature luscious yet hardy gardens, decorative and social seating spaces, outdoor teaching areas and robust and multi-functional sporting grounds.

GreenGround make sure that every care goes into every choice of construction and material to ensure that children’s playtime is joyful and safe, and their future sustainable.

Call today on 0459 146 571 to start your GreenGround journey.

Institutions and Hospitals

Hospital exterior spaces offer patients and staff tranquillity and healing.

GreenGround builds to your design with accessibility, beauty and functionality.

Well-designed and constructed grounds enable a stroll through exquisite gardens of plants and trees, sculptures, water features and ponds. All serve to calm the mind and add to the experience of your hospital for both patients and staff.

We make sure that your gardens are exactly as you had in mind, with plants chosen for beauty and durability, and features built to last. The materials on offer are the most environmentally sustainable available, so while you appreciate your own nature reserve, you are also acting to preserve it.

Call today on 0459 146 571 to start your GreenGround journey.

Community Centres

Grounds that become the focus of culture and community.

Well-designed and well-built, their beauty and imagination can be a source of pride for generations.

They become places of significance, and show your community values, be they dedication to the arts, to nature, or to cultural heritage.

Using native plants and trees, sustainable materials for accessible walkways and seating, and child-friendly climbable play equipment, your community centre can be a hub of art and a hive of activity.

Call today on 0459 146 571 to start your GreenGround journey.

Childcare Playscapes

Children’s play spaces are wonderful for entertainment, learning and socialisation.

We consult with educators and childcare psychologists.

We take great care in constructing safe, compliant and engaging childcare playscapes, designed to be age-appropriate for the children for which it is intended.

In accordance with our principles, wherever possible we construct these playscapes from natural and recyclable materials sourced from ethical Australian suppliers.

Call today on 0459 146 571 to start your GreenGround journey.

We can design and construct

Do you have a dream, but no plan?

We can certainly help you there.

Based on your needs and ideas for your land, we will engage some of our first-rate landscape architect associates to design your sports fields and play spaces.

Let us know what you have in mind, and we will custom-design a beautiful and functional environment, and have it built to last. From your idea to completed landscape, we will design, budget and build your ideal outdoor space for your needs.

Call today on 0459 146 571 to start your GreenGround journey.

Our Promise

A beautiful and sustainable future.

A future of aesthetics, purpose and environmental health through positive choices.

Our promise is to hear your plan, see your vision and work with you to provide exactly what you have in mind. You can relax as we deliver the best of your design.

We create outdoor spaces for the greater wellbeing of all members of the community.

Call today on 0459 146 571 to start your GreenGround journey.

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